The newest killers are explored in detail.
When you consider the looting and range of content, it's not even close.
Handsome Jack as a playable character?
Among other things.
See what goes on behind the scenes in the making of the next Borderlands title.
CEO Randy Pitchford says crazy ideas have been floating around for what the next game could be.
Like seriously, this game is shaping up to be great.
For now, 2K Australia is focused on the current gen platforms.
2K is out in full force this year with big name follow-ups.
Prepare your eyes (and ears) for assault.
Pre-release pre-hype for the pre-sequel.
You can now transfer files between both versions of the game.
Everything you need to know about Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
Randy Pitchford says all 100 percent of resources will be spent on making the game bigger, better and awesome.
"It might be as big, or a little bigger, than Borderlands 1."
Set between Borderlands 1 and 2, you'll be on the side of Handsome Jack...on the moon.