Players will be matched more closely to their Glory rank in the Crucible's Competitive playlist.
Xur returns with another range of good, if overly familiar, Exotics.
What is the best possible move for Bungie from here on out?
The Black Armory DLC has quite a number of enjoyable experiences to offer but Bungie could have done a much better job at implementing them.
Don’t read too much into it.
Given the developer's track record, we're cautiously optimistic about the franchise's future.
Research firm says Activision will be focusing on its own franchises like Call of Duty.
No word on where Destiny 3 ends up, however.
Bungie has ended its partnership with Activision and taken full ownership of the Destiny IP.
Following feedback from its community, Bungie has unlocked the final Forge for all players.
Twitch streamers have been attempting it for 12 hours (and counting) so far.
Xur's latest visit brings two must-have Exotics for new players to pick up.
Some decent gear and an excellent Exotic heavy weapon make up Xur's inventory this week.
Touted as an "event", Niobe Labs will lead to the last forge being unlocked.
It seems the surge from Forsaken was only temporary.
Some tips and tricks for Destiny 2: Black Armour.
But given how promising Halo Infinite sounds, I have hopes for the future of the franchise.
The festive season is in full swing with new items, new Bounties, and new cosmetics to earn from Eververse.
Some tips and tricks for clearing the forges in Destiny 2: Black Armoury.
Another reliable range of Exotics on sale from Xur, but still no Forsaken items.