Available till November 13th, the Temporal Surge only accepts Silver for purchases.
The trial will be free to all Destiny 2 owners, whether they own Forsaken or not.
Check the exotic vendor's new inventory and location.
The latest update also buffs Malfeasance and Wish-Ender, while adding Exotic duplicate weighting.
Xur offers a strong fusion rifle and some decent Exotic gear for new players
The update goes live on October 30th at 9 AM PDT before the weekly reset.
Some good things may be planned for Destiny 3.
What's everyone's not-so-favourite Exotics vendor carrying this week?
A new activity, new cosmetics, and a fully masterworked Legendary auto rifle are on offer.
One player reports flying into the Dreadnaught while playing a Daily Heroic Adventure.
Learn more about the Legendary auto rifle. Watch the Haunted Forest in action.
New Legendaries for the loot pool, Festival of the Lost access, and more coming with this update.
Xur's inventory continues to disappoint for those seeking Forsaken Exotics.
Bounties have been made easier and will grant powerful rewards.
From October 16th, purchasing Forsaken will also net the Expansion Pass at no extra cost.
New masks, a Legendary auto rifle, and new bounties arrive starting October 16th.
Bungie has removed its newest PvP mode following numerous issues.
What constitutes a "fun" grind? What makes for a "dull" grind? Is grinding even all that bad?
Bungie focused on creating "one definitive version" of Last Wish from the beginning.
The Ascendant Primeval Servitor will have increased chances of spawning after the next update.