"There's a novel's worth of stuff in the game."
Players will have ten days to prepare for the raid's newest challenges.
Experiment with the PvEvP mode for 24 hours before its full release on September 4th.
Watch Cayde-6 take on a whole bunch of Scorn and eventually fall.
Check out how the new PvEvP mode will play out, complete with the new Hunter Void Super.
The last stand of the Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6 will be showcased.
Just days away from the expansion's launch, a new leak may have revealed a lot of important information.
Fireteams will no longer disband after Strikes, PvP matches, and Gambit rounds (save for certain conditions).
What could Blizzard have planned for Gamescom?
Going back to the good old days of Destiny 1.
Season 3's last Trials of the Nine weekend will take place on August 24th.
Latest trailer for the expansion promises "Destiny's largest endgame experience ever".
New Perks associated with new mods and changes to the mod system are coming.
Bungie is bringing sweeping changes to the Crucible in terms of time to kill and abilities.
Bungie seem to have taken the criticism to heart.
Collect those Year One weapons while you still can.
807,635,124 shaders have been deleted one by one from the game.
Signs of life for Bungie's MMO shooter.
The latest event offers upgraded armour sets, Triumphs and remixed story missions.
Pick up Destiny 2, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and Forsaken in one single package.