But is it blue velvet?
Will they actually implement support? That remains to be seen.
You'll be able to do more with the Share button than just record video.
Kurt Margenau also talks about how the controller makes the DualShock 3 feel like "a cheap toy".
Shuhei Yoshida answers queries leading up to the PS4's launch.
Sony has dropped the use of analog buttons, in place since the PS2 era, for its newest controller.
"They knew that consumers liked the 360 for shooters"
The button layout resembled Microsoft's controller in the beginning.
You won't be able to use it wirelessly, unfortunately.
How does the PS4 compare to the PS3? Find out here.
Senior creative director Gary Patterson also talks about the new BounceTek.
Which they rejected, according to lead designer Eric Boltjes.
Creative director Greg Kasavin talks about his upcoming indie title.
Creative director Greg Kasavin says focus is on PS4 and PC.
The indie line-up on the PlayStation 4 is nothing to scoff at. More surprising has been Sony's approach to the genre, with key titles being presented as exclusives and touted as system sellers. And th... Read More
There's a lot to do in Gaijin's upcoming massively multiplayer combat flight simulator.
Shuhei Yoshida doing what he does best.
Peter Gelencser clarifies their stance on the DualShock 4's touchpad.
We spoke to executive producer Clint Worley as the F2P shooter readies for launch on PS4.
Executive producer Clint Worley talks about bringing the MMO to PS4.