EA specifically wants to explore the possibility of cross platform play for Battlefield 5.
A complete guide for the Week 3 challenges of Fortnite's Season 5.
Plus, specs for the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 apparently leaked.
Apparently, this will be used to counter campers who hole up in their towers.
Some new data from SuperData shows the increasing popularity of Fortnite.
All SMGs have seen their damage fall-off adjusted, which affects damage to structures as well.
Epic must thank its lucky stars every day that they decided to pivot Fortnite into being a free to play battle royale game.
And it's not even out on Android yet!
But licensing issues may stop that from happening.
The sandbox mode will be coming with patch 5.10 tomorrow.
Next-gen gaming hardware will finally crush this age old problem, says Epic.
Fortnite players can complete challenges to earn birthday set cosmetics for a limited time.
A complete guide for the Week 2 challenges of Fortnite's season 5.
Save the World is also currently 50 percent off till July 30th.
As well as a whole host of other new upgrades.
New data suggests that the Battle Royale genre and Fortnite show no signs of slowing down.
After login and matchmaking issues, Epic Games reported that all services are "looking healthy."
A complete guide for the Week 1 Challenges of Fortnite's Season 5.
Effective immediately, plus retroactively applicable as well.
Switch players about to begin cleaning up in games now.