Save the World mode is available for as low as $19.99.
Maintenance starts at 1 AM PST though there's no word on when it ends.
According to the insider, Diablo 3 will release in 2019 while Fortnite: Battle Royale will release in August/September of this year.
76 cosmetic items included in Season 3.
Fortnite continues to build itself up
Epic has announced that in-game currency V-Bucks are now required.
Five time-limited will be coming in the next "month or so".
Epic Games also shares details on outages that occurred over the past weekend.
Matchmaking for Battle Royale will be the first thing going down today.
Shooting Test #1 will look into testing first shot accuracy, damage fall-off and more.
Free Battle Stars and Seasonal Gold are on the way for PvP and PvE players.
Battle with snipers (and a few revolvers) until February 2nd.
Epic Games will offer refunds to players "for every purchase on any platform."
"Our top people are on it" says developer Epic Games.
The unreal power of the cloud.
From using bushes as stealth to building walls, some survival tactics are just out there.
Lead designer feels the travel times on foot are just right for the experience.
"Some people are saying we could be the biggest and best-played game in the western world."
All players found using the exploit will receive "appropriate action" as per Epic Games.
A city, junkyard and more interesting sights will be added to the map later this week.