Designed by director and character designer Tetsuya Nomura himself.
Fans will have to wait a little longer for Nomura's epic.
Nomura knows way better than us, but it wouldn't hurt to see some of these.
This doesn't mean either won't be making an appearance however.
Final Fantasy XV sequels incoming?
Has the shift to being a main franchise game affected the game's overall direction?
Tons of companies
Initial plans were to make a pure action title with only Noctis playable.
Who are these people? Why the hell are they fighting?
Nomura also reveals details about skills used by the protagonist, Noctis.
You'll also be able to climb on monsters.
Nomura talks about the likelihood of FFXV on PCs.
Which was our top pick for best game of E3 2013? Find out here.
The eagerly anticipated title not a PS4 exclusive.
The online retailer prepares for Square-Enix's announcement.
Final Fantasy XV reveal on the horizon?
As always, with the stonewalling.
Apparently Sony is helping Square Enix develop the game in exchange for exclusivity.
Gamesmaster UK has posted a rumour about Final Fantasy 15, which sounds really promising. Check them out below and with a pinch of salt. -Including the concept planning and pre-production phase, th... Read More