On the hardware front, the Switch sees a surge in sales.
Cygames promises "various updates" for the fighting game in the future.
Those in the west will only have to wait about a month.
The year is looking pretty good for PS4 players with plenty of high profile titles.
The item shop is your ticket for getting geared up in RPG Mode.
Slow but powerful, Vaseraga's Soul Forge allows for adding armor to attacks.
Zone out your opponents or tackle them with high-speed attacks.
As an all-rounder, Katalina is capable of handling "any situation."
Check out one of the 11 fighters in action.
Lancelot and Charlotta square off against the Primal boss.
From colorfully bizarre adventures to new fighting games, there's tons on the way for PS4 fans.
The fantasy series gets a big spotlight in Osaka.
Sign-ups are currently available, and beta will take place in specific time frames.
Some of the most notable fighters and brawlers with launch dates in 2019 and beyond.
Director Tetsuya Fukuhara also explains the lack of a release window for Relink.