You can still get it off the eShop though.
The studio houses developers who worked on the cancelled Star Wars 1313.
The new trailer focuses on Claude Wallace, Riley Miller, Kai Schulen, and Raz.
The latest in a line of smaller games opting for a retail release on PS4 and Nintendo Switch.
Plus an extensive new update as well.
Surprisingly, this actually sounds really good.
That said, no new announcements at the moment, obviously.
It's coming on May 29.
The base game and Inheritance DLC will be available in remastered, "redesigned" form.
With a surprisingly strong hold for the Switch as well.
A complete walkthrough for Celeste.
The changes have been made after concerns were expressed over the many DLC characters.
According to what has been found by one YouTuber, both of these games are probably currently in development at Bandai Namco.
It's real and it's happening!
It also has more games than PS4 and Xbox One did at this point in their lives...
Where there is smoke...
To be clear, that apparently means April 2018-March 2019.
Classic round based CRPGs on the go?
With in its gameplay design and emotional impact, Celeste is a triumph worth celebrating.