Pride and accomplishment to be included again?
Simply login to the game and receive free Winter Wonderland loot boxes.
He ate a cookie, played some Hearthstone and bamboozled fans. Good ol' Jeff.
Blizzard's community response continues to be great.
They're currently working on fixing these.
The nexus point of the Lootbox talks about how to do it right.
Partake in a hunt for Yeti Winston as a team of Meis in the new Brawl.
A new seasonal Brawl called Mei's Yeti Hunt will be debuting along with new skins.
The latest DPS hero for Overwatch has had a number of issues addressed on PTR.
Overwatch director said there would be a "lot" of new items coming to the base loot box.
The latest Support hero can now be selected in Overwatch's ranked play mode.
A "defect" is affecting AoE ability ranges; Mercy and Symmetra to be fixed next week.
A new targeting configuration for Moira isn't working as intended - expect changes this week or the next.
New hybrid Assault/Escort map now available on Public Test Server for PC players.
The newest Support hero is finally available to all players on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Unless we stop buying the games that have them...
"We will... leverage the console's incredible hardware."
Overwatch players have come across yet another bug.
The free weekend will start on November 17th and conclude on November 20th. All heroes and maps will be playable.
The inability to convert loot boxes to real money also separates them from gambling as per Mike Morhaime.