The developer chooses to focus on releasing the PS3 version for now.
Wants to fully utilize the power of the console.
Which edition do you like?
How Killzone will capture our hearts and minds in the next generation.
Could Battlefield be preparing for another showdown with Call of Duty?
Check out some amazing wallpapers for Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag.
Another wish list for a game that won't come out for a while.
What do you make of this?
We're not necessarily a Sony exclusive.
Will be released on the Xbox 720 as well.
Interesting feature.
Check out just how much Beyond: Two Souls improves on the drizzling experience that was Heavy Rain.
Game director Steven ter Heide states that it "has been for a couple of months".
Add another launch title to the line-up.
He says Vita is the perfect second screen for the PS4.
A new strategic partnership with Sony has resulted in the game engine arriving for its platforms.
Could it be SingularityPS4?
The developers certainly were pleased.