Despite being packaged together, the games aren't connected by narrative.
The multiplayer component of the upcoming release is looking quite promising.
Bigger and bolder changes could be coming to this remake.
Resistance and the campaign are separate downloads.
From nonchalant to straight nightmare fuel, these enemies have no chill in their remakes.
These are the improvements we're hoping to see in the upcoming remake.
Sasha Zotova takes on the role of the game's protagonist.
There will be no delays.
The two games will have a similar dynamic as the original releases.
Many things will be extended in the upcoming remake.
You will need a pretty standard rig to play the horror title.
The iconic enemy can be heard in the deep, dark night.
A new picture, a new tease?
Earlier in the week we got the official reveal of the remake of Resident Evil 3. The game will see a recreation of the third mainline game in the franchise in a similar vein to the Resident Evil 2 r... Read More
Behold the power of the RE Engine.
A link between the two games come in a mysterious new achievement.
Capcom eventually decided to split the releases to avoid significant delays.
Former Capcom and Platinum man Tatsuya Minami is reportedly in charge of a new Capcom-backed studio.
Members of the remake's development team share new information.
Includes an 11 inch high quality figure of Jill Valentine along with other merch.