Now massacre people in Vice City on a small screen!
Rockstar talks about the three characters system
It is detrimental to the overall experience.
Nintendo US boss also hopeful.
GTA 5 has no lead platform.
So current generation of consoles if draining out, huh?
Will it even happen?
Sony Music Entertainment screws Vice City over.
Writer Dan Houser explains why GTA 5 is coming for this gen, rather than the next.
Expect larger than life set pieces.
It all feels a little too familiar as we prepare for Rockstar's next blockbuster opus.
Rockstar's Manhunt is partly a reason.
This makes no sense whatsoever.
18 new screenshots that will blow you away.
Analyst believes GTA 5 will sell upward of 20 million copies in 12 months, despite the release date.
The game is now available for pre-order worldwide.
Players can use the same crew they built in Max Payne 3.
Rockstar confirms the same.
Vinewood Hills, Grapeseed and much more.