Featuring an all-new turn-based combat system, the sequel will release in January 2020 for Japan.
Pre-order now for 10 percent off and early beta access.
Sega's Daisuke Sato expresses interest in creating more games in the series.
Stealing hearts, reaching out to the truth, and all that.
Amplitude's Romain de Waubert also says "Everything else we've worked on is a stepping stone to get us here."
The lost Yakuza title could still come to the west.
Physical release of Yakuza 3, 4, and 5 remasters planned for February 2020.
Classic events featuring 2D character sprites also revealed in new trailer.
Is "humankind" just another way of saying "civilization"?
For all of humankind.
The detective game's whole prologue is now playable for free.
Command eight new princes in a campaign with their own unique play-styles.
Get ready for "a first-hand look at an all-new AAA game that has yet to be revealed to the public."
They will all "premier new content and make announcements" on August 19th.
The legendary actor isn't too sure if the delay was a good move.
The free mode will see three hero units taking on waves of enemies.
The Witcher 3: Complete Edition and Astral Chain will receive new footage as well.
The company sees an upswing due their lineup.
A first for the series.
The next game should be highlighted in some way.