That's pretty big, dude.
'But the game is very different from inFamous.'
That's a good move, Sony.
'The magnitude of the response and what people are doing with it has blown us away.'
No new power sets upon completion of missions.
All fans will be happy.
The glorious in-game world of Seattle goes all dark.
5 extra hours of gameplay.
inFamous: Second Son rises up to meet expectations - despite a few stray gameplay snags.
One of the main men behind the game leaves the studio.
All of this sounds terrific to me.
Take a look inside.
Sucker Punch co-founder, Chris Zimmerman talks about the benefits of PS4's architecture.
"We wish Titanfall luck, it's a great game. So people who own the Xbox One will be able to buy it and have a lot of fun."
"Won't do justice to the game."
It would fit on a Wii U.
Way ahead of Titanfall Xbox One bundle.
Sucker Punch is acting all coy about the game here.
"The game is two very different products"