GOG lets you pre-order the expansion for only $8.49.
A limited edition physical version of the expansion has also been announced.
Community manager Marcin Momot also working on "something really important" for today.
Hearts of Stone will actually be available in NG and NG+
All Witcher games put together for less than the price of one new game.
"Good news" in store for Gwent lovers.
30 more hours of Witcher 3 incoming.
A few minor issues still remain, and they should be getting fixes soon.
The industry rewards a great game, for a change.
CD Projekt RED's Marcin Iwiński comments on the free content released till now.
Embark on a higher level adventure with your previous playthrough's equipment.
The currently available ModKit - and not RedKit 2 - is all modders can currently get.
CD Projekt RED discusses plans for mod tools and what they allow modders to do.
Fast travel points also will not carry over into the new mode.
Now get back to finishing The Witcher 3.
The internal launch date means they're moving right along.
It's available on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
Marcin Momot does say the development team is looking into it for a future patch.
CD Projekt RED CEO Marcin Iwinski does feel the universe is great for telling more stories though.