Releases of GWENT and Thronebreaker also helped.
Ray tracing and faster loading times have been confirmed.
It happens fairly early on as well, according to recent previews.
Whether it's in terms of atmosphere or sheer NPC count, these open world games stood out the most.
You can also get a giftable code if you already own it via GOG.
Hopefully, they can remedy that in a sequel.
Whether it's an intense downpour or lightning trails, these games faithfully channeled the storm.
The PC version was the highest selling version.
They called it the Switcher. Seriously.
CD Projekt RED will now get 80% of any subsequent sales on the platform.
Well, that's just odd, isn't it?
The long-awaited patch brings performance optimizations and bug fixes.
The patch is live in select regions.
In terms of graphics tech, fidelity and performance, these games have stood out over the decade.
This show just keeps paying off.
The handheld version of the game will get more updates in the future.
That whole Netflix thing is paying off.
The RPG sees the most concurrent players since 2016.
A wild hunt of metal and mechs.
Full length of the game, including all quests and story missions, has yet to be revealed.