It wasn't pretty, but apparently it was a victory.
Tons of worlds have been created over the past few years - here are the very best so far.
Writing for games is a much different beast than other mediums.
Game is looking reasonable in new video.
The 2015 title sold more in the first half of 2019 than in the previous year's first half.
It doesn't look pretty, but it's there.
Examinning the key elements that defined CDPR's open world masterpiece.
Could September be getting even more crowded?
It all made sense, once upon a time, but now you just can't remember what's what in a game.
CDPR says the most challenging thing isn't what you'd expect.
Get a look at what Witcher on the go will look like.
That 32 GB cart is all you'll need if you go physical.
Nintendo had a great show that stood out even more in an otherwise dismal year.
This could actually be happening.
Could the fantasy epic be coming to the Switch?
How do some titles command so many hours of playtime across a variety of genres?
PC players can take control of Geralt and hunt a Leshen in the New World on May 9th.
Looks can be deceiving, especially for the initial footage and graphical details for these games.
Maybe it will be a port of Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales.
Fight a Leshen and earn Geralt's gear in this new free update.