"It's a matter of pride," says Ubisoft Massive's creative director Magnus Jansen.
Tom Clancy's The Division will have a closed beta on January 28th for the Xbox One and January 29th for PS4 and PC but there's been a ton of information revealed about the game in the past few day... Read More
Will The Division receive raids?
"Some features make it, some features don't."
Jumping jacks and gun battles await.
Unlockable frame rate, post FXAA and more revealed.
Dev focusing on offering "more than enough" with Manhattan.
Play with friends, strangers or ignore everyone if you so desire.
"No pay to win or vanity items" according to Ubisoft Massive.
January 29th for PC and PS4 users.
Everything points to this game looking really good.
Gameplay footage, home bases and much more showcased.
Where has your bank note been recently?
Black Friday parallels also discussed by developer.
Ubisoft Massive talks about the effects of weather throughout missions.
Ubisoft shares new information about its MMORPG.
Hear what players thought about the recent closed alpha.
"Silent Night" is coming.
Available at all leading retailers.
Select players can now experience Ubisoft's MMO for the first time.