A lot of issues, but no truly big ones yet.
Implicit recognition of Infinite Warfare's (relative) failure?
This is the final swath of backwards compatible games for the year.
Well, that's just a nice Holiday present, right there.
The service is, justifiably so, a hit.
The epic conclusion.
Looking at these, we definitely feel the urge to play GTA 5 once again, and we’re sure you will feel it as well.
Quite a lot, as it turns out.
The Dark Knight Rises.
Everything you need to know about The Walking Dead Season 3
You can get half off of executive offices as well.
The upcoming Destiny 2 raises some important questions about DLC exclusivity.
A complete video walkthrough for Batman: The Telltale Series — Episode 4: Guardian of Gotham.
New footage is coming at the Game Awards
What an amazing month.
Grand Theft Auto: Online seems to have hijacked our hopes and dreams for single player DLC.
Yes, but we're probably not seeing it for a while yet.
Bungie need to address the dissonance between what Destiny is and what they want it to be.
That's a very good move.