"Don't have limitations" like with current gen consoles.
Kojima looking to "reach the peak of current generation" too.
And they are all awesome.
Bungie talks about the rationale behind the decision.
EA claims that the DRM on Xbox One was never something it asked for.
No cross platform play for upcoming MMO.
Also known as, "Microsoft needs you to agree to shut up and like it."
Online focus of Xbox One ideal for TitanFall's purpose.
Capcom fails to learn its lesson from Resident Evil 6.
Shots fired! Shots fired!
All dedicated servers. All the time.
Both of the games are looking solid. Are you impressed?
Any lucky guesses?
Internet connectivity also a "fundamental issue" in other countries.
EA's COO says "we will figure out what we need to do".
Microsoft Game Studios head says that "reaction is complete when the product is on the shelf".
The similarities are quite stunning admittedly.
Xbox One launching in Asian markets in 2014.
Learn more about The Wild Hunt.
Don't worry, it is not exclusive to the PS4.