How much should From Software change, if anything should change at all?
Will reportedly reduce the overall install size and ensure smaller patches in the future.
If you've pre-ordered the game online, you can expect to have your $10 refunded.
GamingBolt speaks to Dinosaurum Games' founder Arkadiy Kulikov about the upcoming thriller.
Note that he didn't specify which Zelda or what kind of support.
Microsoft lets the cat out of the bag.
The post processing effects middleware engine hasn't been used for the full game it seems.
Why Bethesda is right in waiting to properly talk about Fallout 4.
Linda, Kelly and Fred could show up to support the Chief.
On its official Watch Dogs Facebook page no less.
Yebis's Lead Architect Masaki Kawase talks about taking advantage of the latest consoles.
Now you can try out all the different items without playing for hours at a time.
Could still be out next year.
But is it larger than the landmass AND oceans?
Extra development time allows Sledgehammer Games to be ahead of last year's iteration.
Visceral's cops vs. crooks experience still feels suspiciously like ye olde Battlefield.
How can a game which features a hopeless future possibly fill you with hope for the future?
GamingBolt speaks to Yousuf Mapara about Switchblade Monkeys' debut game.
GamingBolt speaks to Founder & CEO of Confetti Interactive and Confetti Games Wolfgang Engel to know where video game graphics are heading.
The wait continues.