Commended for one in 2006, this makes two in Livingstone's court.
So cross that off your Steam Box features wish list.
The beauty and beastliness of Ascension's world on full display.
And it's a long, long way off from being in Windows 7's league.
What's next? Captain America piloting a meteor?
The six legged Fury has had quite the evolution.
Titles like Tokyo Jungle, Batman: Arkham City and inFamous 2 are up for grabs.
Yes, that is it.
The game joins Mafia Wars 2 in getting the ax.
We continue our look back at the major headlines of the year - and how they'll be influencing the one to come.
It was truly a year - and it will continue into the next.
Why not take advantage of EA's community and resources?
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone. But at least there's bloodshed.
And then he made the mistake of asking the Rising team what they were up to.
Thought your beating would go unwitnessed by the world? You were wrong.
Swedish magazine LEVEL reviews the much awaited (but not in a good way) actioner.
They look mighty friendly, for realz.
If you pre-purchased the game before December 20th, then good news!
Depending on your answer, of course.
They're both the same, and they're both inevitable. So why is one's ending so much better?