Prototype version.
Will it save the MMO?
EA gives away two free maps based on Osama Bin Laden's real world whereabouts.
Corny as hell but to the point, Guild Wars 2 has arrived.
The audience has expanded, but older gamers are also interested in exposing their kids to the titles they played growing up.
The single-player quest has players looking for a nifty saw toothed sword.
You have to get your Japanese coverage from somewhere else.
Crimminy, make it stop.
Hope has fled. Faith in piano music seems intact.
And we couldn't agree more.
Either that or Obsidian is really overhauling Alpha Protocol.
Screams "Jay-Z!" (and not the Collision Course kind either).
Guess how that turned out?
But - and you knew there was a but - only if id Software has the time.
General manager feels they "get too much crap for not being innovative".
50 million in a short time.
Leaves out blood, but we're in a forgiving mood.
The new patch for Guild Wars 2 contains bug fixes.
Well what do you know?