
Project Milo Won’t Be Released After All

Project Milo Won’t Be Released After All

Remember that awesome Milo and Kate demo Microsoft unveiled at last year's E3 to demonstrate just what their motion control accessory (then titled Natal) was about? Yeah, well, apparently, it's nothi... Read More

Capcom Believes Kinect Is The Right Thing To Do For Microsoft

Capcom Believes Kinect Is The Right Thing To Do For Microsoft

Whereas it doesn't seem to have gone down too well with core gamers, particularly after the casual gamer oriented showing at E3 earlier this year, Capcom believes that Microsoft's motion sensing Kinec... Read More

PS3 Firmware 3.40 Upgrade Details Inside

PS3 Firmware 3.40 Upgrade Details Inside

Sony announced that they will be releasing the PS3 firmware upgrade 3.40 soon, adding full functionality of PlayStation Plus. PlayStation Plus launched yesterday, which means the firmware upgrade will... Read More

Capcom: PS4 and Xbox 3 Will Be Here in Two Years

Capcom: PS4 and Xbox 3 Will Be Here in Two Years

Capcom's David Reeves, who previously worked with Sony, recently said that he feels the next generation consoles will be here within the new two-three years, despite Microsoft's and Sony's claims abou... Read More

‘Surprises on the Way’, Says Rare

‘Surprises on the Way’, Says Rare

Rare, who announced only Kinect Sports this E3, said they will be releasing more games very soon. In a Q&A with Microsft, when asked: "We expected Rare games at E3 but we only saw Kinect Sports... Read More

Shooters on the Kinect and Move Have ‘Amazing Potential’

Shooters on the Kinect and Move Have ‘Amazing Potential’

Paul Wedgewood, boss of Splash Damage, says he thinks shooters on the Move and Kinect have a lot of potential. While talking to, the Brink developer stated that he he thought... Read More

Split/Second Developers Working on New Racer

Split/Second Developers Working on New Racer

Split/Second: Velocity developers Black Rock Studios are reportedly working on a new 'unannounced' racer project for the PS3 and the Xbox 360. This news came via a job ad on Disney Interactive's site.... Read More

Playstation Plus is Now Available To All

Playstation Plus is Now Available To All

Everyone who were anticipating Sony's new Playstation Plus, which if you haven't heared about you were probably living in a cave during the time of E3, can now purchase the yearly or monthly subscribt... Read More

The PS3 is Finally Profitable

The PS3 is Finally Profitable

According to Sony, even though the Playstation 3 was never actually profitable for them, it seems like it actually makes money for them today. Shuhei Yoshida, Sony's president of Worldwide studios ... Read More

E3 2010: Some Highlights You May Have Missed

E3 2010: Some Highlights You May Have Missed

E3 2010 has come and gone, but for those of you who were not there or just have not gone digging for everything shown there this year, here are some highlights of the convention you may have not seen.... Read More

Metal Slug remade in StarCraft 2 galaxy editor

Metal Slug remade in StarCraft 2 galaxy editor

Watch this great video which shows Metal Slug remade in StarCraft 2 galaxy editor. Check it out below. Read More

Team ICO HD Collection Spotted in the Wild (Again)

Team ICO HD Collection Spotted in the Wild (Again)

No, the rumour mill is still in hyperdrive concerning this one. While we've already had a few collections in the past, and will soon be getting a Sly Cooper HD Collection, popular rumour has it that S... Read More

Take Two: Red Dead Redemption is a ‘Game Changer’

Take Two: Red Dead Redemption is a ‘Game Changer’

Apparently, the recently released Red Dead Redemption is quite close to publisher Take Two's heart, as CEO Ben Feder has emphasised how much of an impact Rockstar's western epic has had on the publish... Read More

Metal Gear Solid: Rising Could Spawn An Entire Series of its Own

Metal Gear Solid: Rising Could Spawn An Entire Series of its Own

Whereas it's clear by now that MGS: Rising, the hack and slash action adventure based on the ninja from MGS2, Raiden, is not the next instalment in the Metal Gear Solid series, but rather a spin off, ... Read More

SBK-X Review

SBK-X Review

SBK-X: Superbike Championship is a licensed racing game developed by Black Bean Games. It is available on Xbox 360, PC and PS3. It is the fourth SBK game to be produced by the Italian studio after the... Read More

Dogfighter Review

Dogfighter Review

Let's get this straight- Dogfighter does not break new ground. It doesn't even improve on one of many well-worn formulas. Dogfighter is a game to dip in and out of, nothing more. However, what a fun d... Read More

Alien Breed: Impact – Co-op Gameplay

Alien Breed: Impact – Co-op Gameplay

"Alien Breed: Impact is an explosive science fiction arcade-shooter that resurrects a much revered franchise with an epic story, swarms of highly intelligent alien enemies, high-impact weapons, high... Read More

Brand new Gran Turismo 5 video blowout

Brand new Gran Turismo 5 video blowout

Gran Turismo 5 is hot news- with the recent revelation that it would support 3D, plus the ever impending release date, GT5 is shaping up to be one of the best in the series. And we have some more m... Read More

3D gaming: Gimmick or ground-breaking?

3D gaming: Gimmick or ground-breaking?

3D is coming to video games within the next few years whether we like it or not, but is it just a fad? It's time to find out. First off, just the term itself is rather confusing. Many of you may re... Read More

Pokemon Black and White Releasing in Japan September 18

Pokemon Black and White Releasing in Japan September 18

While the rest of the world will have to wait until early next year for the launch of the eagerly anticipated fifth generation of Pokemon, Japan gets dibs on it, as with other games in the franchise. ... Read More