Watch Dogs to be "the only mature game" Ubisoft publishes on the Wii U.
Yes, that's supposed to be reassuring.
And it's FUNNY.
'It can excel at the right price.'
Think you know your Assassins?
He's "working on it."
Followed by Just Dance with 48 million lifetime sales.
'We expect it to go toe to toe with the biggest titles of the year.'
Darren Aronofsky's The General, that is.
The success of Second Son could mean more games in the coming years.
AC4 director Ashraf Ismail says including naval battles was a risk that ultimately paid off.
"There are so many possibilities we don't want to definitively end the universe"
There has apparently been "persistent talk" to bring in Daniel Espinosa.
Animation director Kristjan Zadziuk gives his take on the evolution of the IP.
The PS3 has a number of exclusives and multi-platform games in store for gamers in 2014.
Apparently, the franchise will see one current-gen and one next-gen game out next year.
A connected game world.
A triumph and highlight of this generation.
Vita game coming to consoles early next year.
Oh, Michael Fassbender.