Archive For capcom Tag

DmC Devil May Cry Official Theme Song: “You Wanna Dance?”

DmC Devil May Cry Official Theme Song: “You Wanna Dance?”

"Let's dance!"

Remember Me: A Late Christmas Present from Capcom Shows New Trailer

Remember Me: A Late Christmas Present from Capcom Shows New Trailer

Some foes, a mission in progress, and some breath-taking sites to behold.

Megaman 9 and 10 combo pack free for PS Plus members

Megaman 9 and 10 combo pack free for PS Plus members

Free for Playstation Members.

Is Dead Rising 3 In The Works At Capcom Vancouver?

Is Dead Rising 3 In The Works At Capcom Vancouver?

Zombies, zombies and more of them.

DmC: Devil May Cry- “Old and new fans will be able to enjoy the game”

DmC: Devil May Cry- “Old and new fans will be able to enjoy the game”

The game is accessible yet difficult enough for DMC veterans to enjoy.

DmC: Devil May Cry Features No On-Disk DLC, According to Capcom

DmC: Devil May Cry Features No On-Disk DLC, According to Capcom

But it's still the same game, haters.

Capcom not interested in porting older games to the Wii U

Capcom not interested in porting older games to the Wii U

Sounds about right.

First DmC: Devil May Cry Review Scores the Game Nine out of Ten

First DmC: Devil May Cry Review Scores the Game Nine out of Ten

Swedish magazine LEVEL reviews the much awaited (but not in a good way) actioner.

DmC: Devil May Cry “Stylish Play” Trailer Schools the Competition

DmC: Devil May Cry “Stylish Play” Trailer Schools the Competition

Insanity. Plain and simple.

DmC: Devil May Cry Trailer Showcases Vergil’s Skills

DmC: Devil May Cry Trailer Showcases Vergil’s Skills

Note: He moves like a demon.

DmC Devil May Cry training combo video shows switchable weapons

DmC Devil May Cry training combo video shows switchable weapons

Watch some epic combos by Dante.

Resident Evil 6 Now Available for Xbox 360’s Games on Demand

Resident Evil 6 Now Available for Xbox 360’s Games on Demand

The excuse of a survival horror ruse is now available for half off.

DmC: Devil May Cry Screenshots Reveal Two New Enemies

DmC: Devil May Cry Screenshots Reveal Two New Enemies

The Drakavec and Buzz Saw Tyrant look as vicious as any demon.

Buy DmC on PC and get Devil May Cry 3 and 4 for free

Buy DmC on PC and get Devil May Cry 3 and 4 for free

Sounds like a pretty good deal.

Resident Evil 6 sales unsatisfactory, Monster Hunter 4 delayed

Resident Evil 6 sales unsatisfactory, Monster Hunter 4 delayed

Capcom delays the 3DS exclusive.

DmC: Devil May Cry PlayStation 3 Hands-on Impressions

DmC: Devil May Cry PlayStation 3 Hands-on Impressions

We play through the first ten chapters of this reboot.

Capcom details Resident Evil 6 title update

Capcom details Resident Evil 6 title update

A few fixes.

Resident Evil 6 coming out on PC via Steam

Resident Evil 6 coming out on PC via Steam


Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Receives 15 New Screenshots

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Receives 15 New Screenshots

The upcoming expansion looks sumptuous already.

Street Fighter x Megaman now live for PC

Street Fighter x Megaman now live for PC

Small download.