Being the last game in the series might be helping.
Some rebalancing is in order.
A few tech tips for Dark Souls 3.
Our final verdict with patch 1.03 installed across all platforms.
The 'D' in DLC stands for dying.
The highly anticipated hack and slash RPG is finally available.
Many players report the game crashing at the first bonfire.
Some regions could get it as early as today.
Glitches and exploits- prepare to die.
You may now be surprised accordingly.
Please let it be a Dark Souls remaster announcement...
Less than 20 GB seems unreal.
It's familiar and it's brutal. Dark Souls 3 will make you revel in your suffering.
Servers are still offline though.
Three guesses on how it ends.
Prepare to die again and again.
Not a hollow victory.
'I think it's just an elaborate rumor!'
The patch also supports Gears of War Ultimate Edition, Paragon Early Access and Quantum Break.
A full guide to navigating your way through this mess.