More footage from the upcoming game.
Buy the Xbox One exclusive before 2016 ends and you'll receive the previous games for free.
Rising budgets, and a desire to connect to the community directly, caused the shift.
There's more to the former Epic designer than a few nicknames.
Every console has its fair share of amazing occurrences. Here are a few surrounding Microsoft's Xbox.
Get all four Xbox 360 Gears of War games starting next month.
'What people really want is more of the same, in a new wrapper.'
It wouldn't be a Gears launch without it.
The Gears of War creator had some harsh words for a company he professes to love.
'But the decision to shelve it was ultimately a no brainer.'
The coolest video game action figures.
This E3 should be electrifying.
Epic Games' Ray Davis believes that the series is in safe hands.
'When you hear The Coalition, we want you to think of Gears of War.'
And much worse may be incoming.
The difference is startling.
There's so much damn smoke at this point, I don't want to hear anything about there not being a fire.
Is it actually happening, then?
Greg M. Mitchell leaves Epic Games to, ironically, work on the next Gears.