Creating a city with great level design and indelible atmosphere is difficult but these games make it look easy.
Bosses that got a demotion after you defeated them.
You ain't so tough, are you?
Whether from collecting everything or being at the right place at the right time, secret scenes abound in games.
Do you feel in charge? With some of these games, you're definitely not.
These endings had a lot to live up to and delivered in spades.
Andromeda is full of secrets.
Multiple roads don't always have to converge at the same place.
The story of the galaxy so far.
Log in, claim it, keep it forever.
PlayStation users can look forward to a packed month in november.
More twists and turns than a winding road.
Mass Effect is going cheap so get in now.
Which Trailer got you hyped for a game?
Uncharted: Drake's Parkour.
Do you know the Illusive Man actually has a real name?
Bioware talks about when we can expect the next Mass Effect.
Good on Bioware, but only 50 guys? Pfft.
What a major mess up.