Coming to PS4 and Xbox One.
To be playable at TGS 2013.
John Riccitiello believes ease of use will be the key factor for the next-gen's appeal.
The launch of the next movie will "sync up" to the next game from NetherRealm.
But when it comes to world creation, both consoles are quite close to each other.
The Fallout: New Vegas designer talks about locations and features he'd like to see in the next game.
Is there really a two week difference in the release dates?
Mirror's Edge, Star Wars: Battlefront and other titles are on full display.
Both consoles expected to face shortages at launch though.
We speak to creative director Jean Guesdon on all things piratey Assassin-related.
Bethesda Softworks' lack of Wii U support bodes ill for Nintendo's console.
Patrice Desilets says video games "need to talk about something else".
Julien Merceron also says that deeper AI will be a key toward graphical realism in years to come.
You'll be "free and can investigate and travel the world" according to creator Michel Ancel.
Gender options for the main character, as of now, also seem confirmed.
Casey Hudson tweets about what the core team is up to these days.
Also ports. Lots and lots of ports.
Jason Rubin says it will come down to the business model, exclusives and much more instead.
Founder and COO of Geomerics Chris Doran weighs in.