This will mark the developer's first cross-platform simultaneous release.
Ignoring new opportunities in growing markets like mobile.
"If you're offering little variation, then there's no motivation for the player to keep that game."
Patrick Soderlund states that "gamers will be very happy" with what Visceral has in store.
Sony rides high while Microsoft's Xbox One continues to flounder.
The experience is only going to keep evolving, according to Dan Ayoub.
Meanwhile, VP Pete Hines tweets stuff!
"More information coming soon" though.
Engineering manager Jeff Henshaw talks about the power of the Xbox One.
Microsoft Games Studio head Phil Spencer talks about staying true to their policies.
Yusuf Mehdi talks about moving the industry forward into the digital world.
Epic Games confirms title's fake-ness.
22 Cans founder chastises Microsoft for their lack of clarity.
Also known as, "Microsoft needs you to agree to shut up and like it."
Check out where E3 will be taking place, and witness the calm before the ensuing storm.
Though a reveal is coming tomorrow, could this be the final design for the PlayStation 4?
A topic has opened up asking for "ideas and suggestions for Fallout 4".
Michael Pachter and Colin Sebastian provide a compelling reason why.
Turn 10 Studios believes itself to be "uniquely positioned to deliver".