They also confirm they are better prepared now than they were with Pokemon GO.
Pokemon Goes to China, at last.
Ice Types for the next few months, then.
Capitalizing on that Pokemon GO success.
Niantic wants you to go catch 'em all...Literally all of them.
So what you're saying is, Hoenn confirmed?
Only a year later than promised!
Be buddies with your favorite Pokemon.
Gotta grow 'em all.
Current daily users hover around 5 million.
Good to see them being aware of the game's shortcomings.
When is another matter entirely.
Why would you do something like that?
No stopping this game.
Gotcha! Cyndaquil was caught!
Time to go hunting.
Gotcha! Cyndaquil was caught!
The game ends the year on a high note.
Now capture Pokemon with your smartwatch (but not really).
It's small but shows the devs are paying attention.