The second DLC pack, meanwhile, will follow on February 14.
New Trophies, addons among the version 1.01 patch.
YouTuber finds a way to make the original look like a new chapter.
Resident Evil returns to its roots by terrifying you in different horrific ways in this latest iteration.
Return to form?
Koshi Nakanishi added the console has "unique hardware".
Off to a good start.
Buy digital on PC or Xbox One and receive it free for the other.
Nothing scarier than spoilers.
Capcom Japan confirmed on Twitter.
It's not actually that big...
A lot of additional content headed our way.
And they scare the ever loving crap out of us.
Nearly Headless Nick.
Difficulty and fear go together.
Everything you need to know before you buy the game.
The true essence of Resident Evil.
Plus, the game will also support HDR.