Fight the city, using the city in the latest gameplay trailer.
New gameplay footage?
Cars, essentially. And rather nice cars at that.
News, details and competitions await.
The year is 2007, the future. And it is AWESOME.
Power Glove in da house!
Redemption is nigh. Like, literally.
Well that's not really the reason why it is not popular.
Creative director Jonathan Morin also talks taking advantage of PS4 with time and resources currently available.
Join Bolt Lightning in the fight to save humanity.
"People already always online through other devices", says Yannis Mallat.
Believes it will "change the experience or become an essential part of the story".
Yannis Mallat sees a continuation of recent market trends going forward.
Development completed.
PC architecture.
Could it be console specific or is Ubisoft back to their wily ways?
Like, enter the dragon, man.
Most likely arriving on Xbox Live/PSN as downloadable title.
Living as the legend, rather than living to become one.
Ubisoft releases new screenshots in anticipation of the launch.