Dynasty, Samurai, Orochi, let's call the whole thing off.
Takes the shooter from a different flank and turns things up, but disappointingly never gets all the way to 11.
A fine piece of abstract art, but it almost completely forgot to be a game as well.
The fantastic narrative and phenomenal puzzle gameplay of The Swapper make their way over to console, with only minimal loss.
OlliOlli brings solid skating to the PC and is worth a look.
To mix elements is the real test. To rescue scientists is your cause.
A bazillion guns too many for the poor little Vita?
A buffet of platforming perfection, Kirby serves up a dish not to be missed.
More "Mario" than ever, and just as fun. However, it is lacking in content and ultimately confused.
Blazblue has its audience and knows how to please them, but the latest entry makes a few concessions to get anyone interested in jumping in up to speed.
The force is strong with this one, but it is not ready yet.
Not exactly a ninja dog, but Yaiba could have used more polish in his execution.
Greater than the sum of its parts, LUFTRAUSERS wraps something fresh into its old school package.