Archive For Interviews Category

Gamebryo Interview: Developing A Next-Generation Engine With High Quality Graphics And Stability

Gamebryo Interview: Developing A Next-Generation Engine With High Quality Graphics And Stability

Bryan Tarlowski, Marketing Director at Gamebase and Lead Engineer Yoonjae Hwang talk about Gamebryo.

Simplygon Interview: Cost Effective Level of Detail Optimization

Simplygon Interview: Cost Effective Level of Detail Optimization

Simplygon's co-founder Martin Ekdal on PS4/Xbox One, Unreal Engine 4, DirectX 12 and the ever growing importance of LOD.

Habitat Interview: Sandbox Mode, Campaign, Customization And PS4/Xbox One Versions

Habitat Interview: Sandbox Mode, Campaign, Customization And PS4/Xbox One Versions

4gency founder talks about Habitat, a real-time, physics-driven game for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Tropico 5 PS4 Interview: An Audience With The Game’s Head Programmer

Tropico 5 PS4 Interview: An Audience With The Game’s Head Programmer

GamingBolt catches up with Ivan-Assen Ivanov, Head Programmer at Haemimont Games to know how the PS4 version is shaping up.

Witcher 3: Dev Aims To ‘Deliver The Highest Fidelity Graphics Possible’ Across All Platforms

Witcher 3: Dev Aims To ‘Deliver The Highest Fidelity Graphics Possible’ Across All Platforms

Grzegorz Mocarski, Lead Game Programmer on what to expect from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 Interview: Developing The Quintessential Football Game

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 Interview: Developing The Quintessential Football Game

Senior Brand Manager, Tim Blair explains why PES 2015 is the football game to play this year.

Assassin’s Creed Rogue Interview: ‘An Uncompromising Experience’ That Will Live Up To Expectations

Assassin’s Creed Rogue Interview: ‘An Uncompromising Experience’ That Will Live Up To Expectations

Producer Karl von der Luhe speaks to GamingBolt on all things Rogue.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Interview: Narrative Focus And Exo-Customization

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Interview: Narrative Focus And Exo-Customization

Co-founder of Sledgehammer Games, Glen Schofield on what makes this year's Call of Duty unique.

The Division Interview: PS4/Xbox One Frame Rate, DirectX 12, Anti-Aliasing, Skills And Customization

The Division Interview: PS4/Xbox One Frame Rate, DirectX 12, Anti-Aliasing, Skills And Customization

An all star cast from Ubisoft Massive speaks to GamingBolt about their upcoming tactical third person shooter.

PS4 Exclusive Toren Can Make Your Wait For The Last Guardian A Little Easier

PS4 Exclusive Toren Can Make Your Wait For The Last Guardian A Little Easier

Travel to Swordtales' dark fantasy world in 2015.

Samurai Warriors 4 Interview: Porting The Game To PS4 ‘Was Not As Difficult As First Anticipated’

Samurai Warriors 4 Interview: Porting The Game To PS4 ‘Was Not As Difficult As First Anticipated’

Omega Force's Akihiro Suzuki talks about the recently release hack and slash adventure.

Futuridium Interview: ‘PS4 Simply Munched Through Anything We Threw At It’, An ‘Easy Win’

Futuridium Interview: ‘PS4 Simply Munched Through Anything We Threw At It’, An ‘Easy Win’

Mixed Bag Games' co-founder Mauro Fanelli talks about the power of the PS4.

Space Engineers Interview: Xbox One Console Exclusivity, Gameplay Mechanics And More

Space Engineers Interview: Xbox One Console Exclusivity, Gameplay Mechanics And More

Keen Software House founder Marek Rosa talks about the upcoming space sandbox title.

Skara The Blade Remains Interview: Gameplay Mechanics, Xbox One eSRAM, PS4 API And More

Skara The Blade Remains Interview: Gameplay Mechanics, Xbox One eSRAM, PS4 API And More

8 Bit Studios talks about its upcoming multiplayer online versus title.

Crytek Interview: Ryse Son of Rome PC, Ryse 2, Resolution And More

Crytek Interview: Ryse Son of Rome PC, Ryse 2, Resolution And More

Crytek's Brian Chambers talks about the upcoming PC version and its various new features.

Among The Sleep PS4 Interview: Xbox One Parity Clause, Resolution/Frame Rate Debate And More

Among The Sleep PS4 Interview: Xbox One Parity Clause, Resolution/Frame Rate Debate And More

Krillbite talks about bringing its fantasy horror drama to the PS4.

Styx Master of Shadows Interview: 8GB of RAM In PS4/Xbox One Is Sufficient

Styx Master of Shadows Interview: 8GB of RAM In PS4/Xbox One Is Sufficient

Delve in to the world of shadows with Cyanide's medieval fantasy stealth game.

The Talos Principle Interview: PS4’s Very Own First Person Philosophical Puzzler That Is Not Portal

The Talos Principle Interview: PS4’s Very Own First Person Philosophical Puzzler That Is Not Portal

The studio behind Serious Sam wants you to question what it's all about.

Titan Souls Interview: A Little Known PS4 Console Exclusive In Which You Battle Titans

Titan Souls Interview: A Little Known PS4 Console Exclusive In Which You Battle Titans

Designer Mark Foster explains the basic premise and why Titan Souls won't be on Xbox One any time soon.

Black Gold Online Interview: A New Take On Steampunk Fantasy

Black Gold Online Interview: A New Take On Steampunk Fantasy

Snail Games' Senior Content Lead/Marketing Manager Johnny Lynch on everything Black Gold Online.