Crytek's Brian Chambers talks about the upcoming PC version and its various new features.
Krillbite talks about bringing its fantasy horror drama to the PS4.
Delve in to the world of shadows with Cyanide's medieval fantasy stealth game.
The studio behind Serious Sam wants you to question what it's all about.
Designer Mark Foster explains the basic premise and why Titan Souls won't be on Xbox One any time soon.
Snail Games' Senior Content Lead/Marketing Manager Johnny Lynch on everything Black Gold Online.
Lionhead Studios' Geoff Smith on how Fable Legends will return to the franchise's roots.
2K's Joe Eschler and Gearbox's James Lopez gives us the low down on Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!
Slightly Mad Studios' Andy Tudor on all things regarding the upcoming free to play MMO racer.
Senior Designer Gary Napper talks how the alien in Alien Isolation is perhaps the greatest representation of AI in video games.
A complete guide for NHL 15.
Senior Games Designer Lee Mather from Codemasters talks about the upcoming racing title.
PlanetSide 2 lead designer Luke Sigmund on what to expect from the PS4 version.
Lead architect of Yebis, Masaki Kawase on how Silicon Studios are taking the engine to the next level.
Chris Doran, COO of Geomerics on how they are using the untapped potential of the new consoles to take their lighting middleware ahead.
Mel Kirk, Vice President of Publishing at Zen Studios on all things Pinball.
Back to insanity.
Alex Amancio explains how Unity will portray the French Revolution in an authentic manner.
GamingBolt speaks to Milestone s.r.l.'s Andrea Basilio to know all about the PS4 version of the game.
Babelflux's CTO David Miles on path finding, cloud gaming, PS4/Xbox One, DirectX 12 and more.