The master ninja is heading to Chiba.
How did the next game become more action-oriented? Capcom explains.
A complete guide for Lost Planet 3.
A complete video walkthrough for Lost Planet 3.
Game looks stunning, incredible.
The launch trailer for the third entry in the Lost Planet series looks great.
'We want as many people as possible to play it on the 3DS.'
The composer's insight on the Lost Planet 3 soundtrack
The next generation system has helped to create a truly open world zombie game.
Scrooge McDuck and his pals return to the small screen. But is that a good thing?
Craft vehicles like weapons.
Ghosts, Helghast and zombies equal fun.
A thoroughly badass look at Dead Rising 3
Ducktales gets a new coat of paint but the gameplay isn't quite as robust as the 1989 original.
See what a mildly difficult monster battle can be like.
Ultra Street Fighter IV only coming to PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.
And drilling!
A complete video walkthrough for DuckTales Remastered
The debacle that was RE6 will see the publisher returning to the series' roots.