PS4, Xbox One and PC release stated.
Greedo here to prove once and for all that he did not shoot first.
Alongside a new map and mission.
Servers should be back online by now.
And the company is looking to hire a new developer to do it.
Karma and retribution.
It's sort of like a GPS, basically.
Maybe this time the combat won't suck...
It was a teaser for Mirror's Edge Catalyst.
Save us all, indeed.
'It's a labor of love.'
Two titans collide.
"Faith is returning."
DICE is seeking a Technical Animator to "drive innovation."
The bounty hunter has been significantly de-powered in this new update.
EA details free and paid content coming down the pike.
It's a substantial DLC pack.
The tease appears to have something to do with Hoth.
Company says any information will be announced when it's ready.