The game also has a closed beta you can sign up for on Steam.
There is a didgeridoo in this trailer.
Ya'll remember when they announced Skate 4?
Gfk took data from across 19 countries.
Both titles topped 1 million sales in the region.
Galactic Civilizations 3 will be the next free title.
A good selection for those looking for something to play over the weekend.
Scare your Sims with this new DLC.
Xbox Series X and PS5 receive higher dynamic resolution ranges in addition to 60 FPS.
Could this be the date for the anticipated remaster?
Peter Moore just doesn't see the two as comparable.
The update will hopefully make picks more logical.
Long before the Bethesda deal, the company was aiming high.
Are you ready, kids?
The Apex Legends and Stars Wars developer is cooking up something new, it seems.
The deal is expected to be finalized by Q1 2021.
A pretty passive aggressive message from EA was found.
The VR shooter also has a fun looking multiplayer element.
Another debut title for next month on the service.
The PC version will remain being based on the current gen version.