Try out PC-exclusive features like higher frame rates and high-speed mode today.
Update improves frame-pacing and addresses video memory leaks and crashes.
Nihon Falcom's JRPG is coming to PC.
NIS America is holding a panel at PAX South about porting from console to PC and mentions the RPG.
The PSP titles will finally make the jump to consoles in Spring 2020.
Series fans will be delighted with the strongest outing yet.
The mobile version of Falcom's action RPG will be playable at the Tokyo Game Show.
A new trailer gives us an idea of the story beats mixed with some combat.
The RPG hits a snag on the way to the west.
Check out how each Monstrum performs in combat.
The next entry in the Japanese RPG series comes west.
The next installment of the storied franchises promises to be a reboot of sorts.
The most successful game in the series yet.
We get a more specific release window for the PC version of the game.
Blast from the past.
A whole lot of perks, to be honest.
Please buy this game, Xbox fans!
There are some pretty sweet options to choose from, too.
Rewritten script and re-recorded dialogue is finally complete after a lengthy delay.
The 24 hour countdown website will run until tomorrow.