[drop-cap]O[/drop-cap]n October 23rd 2077, the bombs fell. This began a cataclysmic shift for life in America. The days of clean drinking water, fancy transportation and retro-futuristic homes were ov... Read More
There's a lot of hard work ahead for Bethesda.
[drop-cap]S[/drop-cap]ometimes you just look at a game and think- how did this get released? Why did the publishers releasing the game think it was in a state to launch? How did it get past quality as... Read More
Bethesda says that "resolving this issue is currently our top priority."
The service costs $12.99 per month and $99.99 for 12 months.
Bethesda wants it to be "the best, most polished update it can be."
The online-focused game gets a roadmap well into the next year.
Suggested by the community, the refrigerator can only be purchased with premium currency.
Explore a Vault overrun with plants and battle the threats within.
Nuclear Winter weapons will also be toned down and Radaway made better.
What happens when your favourite studio is seemingly down in the dumps? Find out here.
Confirmed to be coming to the game last year, private servers are almost here.
There's plenty of content coming to the online shooter very soon.
The top 3 players will no longer be handicapped for playing well.
All it took was one bad bit of code to wipe your progress.
"Yes, the game is in shambles but can we interest you in a new event?"
Bethesda is looking into fixes for Legendary items, among other issues.
New players will spend less Caps to fast travel and not suffer disease.
The patch has been delayed to mid-July in order to fit all these changes.
We all like a good controversy- except when we don't.