"Join forces with Iron Man or Captain America in the newest Marvel Pinball table, Civil War!"
"Now is the opportunity to make fantastic, amazing, unique experiences..."
Check out the list of games releasing this week.
Now all smartphones can utilize it's Xbox Live options.
Check out these screenshots from Borderlands Legends.
Square-Enix's GREE based social game mixes in elements of the real world.
Mordecai wants you to pick him.
"Deceptively simple" puzzle game
200 million iOS devices sold.
In a new study, more than half the participants gamed within a two week period.
Impossible Studios "busy adding their great ideas to the game", according to Epic.
Tons of awesome games this week.
Check out these screenshots from Naughty Bear.
Have a look at the Arcade mode
And people buy them.
The whacky taxi by the bay returns for iOS.