A long 7-minute trailer from Platinum tells us why to fear Raiden.
The demo will be the same as the one released alongside Zone of the Enders HD Collection.
"Tendrils" was the key word here.
Check out some amazing wallpapers for Castlevania Lords Of Shadow Mirror Of Fate.
Surprising? No.
How shocking.
Everything you want to know about the game.
But a PC version is possible.
Demo to release in January 2013.
Check out these screenshots from Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.
Platinum Games producer explains why you can parry rather than dodge.
The stealth/social GREE game saw a strong launch.
And it reveals some interesting revelations for Platinum's upcoming action-adventure title.
Some interesting revelations.
"I am the Dragon, I am Dracul -- the Prince of Darkness."
All that you want to know about Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes.
Ugliest console ever.
Blunder all around.