The ball was in their Cortana... you get the point.
Going backwards is apparently in vogue.
Not really shocking.
Hiring now.
Sure, that makes sense.
Will have hired 110 employees by the end of the year.
6 cars in total.
Meanwhile, the Microsoft App Store continues to grow.
Do you care? Doesn't matter, cuz you need to download it.
On F2P: "It can’t just be $50 product in a box all the time."
The desire to get a head start on Microsoft could see a new Sony console in less than a year.
Bold words from Reggie.
Three map packs, coming our way.
Stewart Gilray outlines the troubles they had trying to get an HD version of the game onto Microsoft's console (to no avail).
How we went from "all or nothing" to "this town is indeed big enough for the two of us".
"We’re building dedicated games for Windows Phone 8 and for Windows 8."
Microsoft's London division has a bold new vision for the new generation of gaming.
Kutaragi: "Well, can you produce this for 50 cents?"
Master Chief and Cortana.