PS4 and Channel 4 team up '4 the players.'
Let's just hope it isn't a Deja Vu mission with MGS2's Raiden.
Patches for other platforms also incoming.
(Cue Yakety Sax music.)
'I’m really sad that some of new titles will be 720P@30FPS.'
A recent report indicates that this may be the case.
Bring the roof down on foes in multiplayer.
Everything you need to know about Homefront 2.
For better or worse, Sony has no control over when we'll see Crash again.
And will most likely be on the PlayStation 4 according to series creator Kazunori Yamauchi.
Here’s looking at you, kid.
Like, seriously.
Did you expect anything else?
Finds Xbox One's current direction "completely wrong" though.
The Witness developer shares his thoughts on all things automated, Xbox One's Kinect included.
War! Huh! Yeah! What is it good for?
A complete guide for Killzone Shadow Fall.
The publisher also apparently ranks first with "most innovative games for next-gen consoles".
Because if a game is running slow, you can just change the graphics card unlike on PS4 and Xbox One.