From many hitmen to one.
At a rate of nearly 100,000 copies a day.
The newest tweaks are geared towards making the game more fair for everyone.
This is no walk in the park.
The Division is a gorgeous looking game but its intricate graphical details and physics simulation are inconsistent.
Despite what was earlier claimed.
Don't install it just yet.
Once again, spoilers inside...
This post may have spoilers.
51 total trophies have been revealed.
PC version supports HBAO+ and PCSS shadows
No pay to win nonsense either, it seems.
More to post apocalyptic New York than meets the eye.
New information regarding Ubisoft's upcoming RPG.
Reddit users examine the game files and discover a comprehensive list of weapons.
If this isn't a beta only problem, it's one that needs to be fixed pronto.
That makes sense.