This in spite of the Xbox One price drop.
Coming to all consoles and Vita.
God damn it, Ubisoft.
Could release on the Wii U if demand is high enough.
Share your own photos and fighter data to players across the world.
Well excuuuuse me, Netflix.
Plus, new screenshots inside as well.
It sounds pretty awesome!
Target may have gone ahead and leaked the date.
Lucario in all of his offscreen glory.
Huge rise in electricity bills for all western homes incoming.
Earth bound.
All hail the king.
Plus, console bundle announced.
More rare Amiibos, just what we needed.
Grind those rails some time in March.
The Wonderful 101, Kid Icarus Uprising, Super Mario 3D Land, Majora's Mask, and more on offer.
The Award for Most Obvious Observation of All Time goes to..
New Xenoblade specific Japanese Direct will walk us through Monolith's latest magnum opus.