Starting with, "Yes, it IS possible".
A long 7-minute trailer from Platinum tells us why to fear Raiden.
The PC version is due out on the 25th.
They both have their strengths and different approaches, but only one welcomes the mayhem.
Ogle at Chevrolet's latest and greatest Corvette.
Burn rubber. Burn it, goddammit!
The demo will be the same as the one released alongside Zone of the Enders HD Collection.
Joe Houston makes some rather interesting points about violence in video games.
Battle through a 100 waves for the sake of Stylish Rank.
Further proof that nobody gives a damn what Sandy thinks.
What a surprise. Really. No joking, guys.
Beware Mid Boss. Mayhem returns.
And as far as we know, Amnesia isn't for consoles.
THQ stock no longer trading.
"Tendrils" was the key word here.
The minds behind the madness work in various mysterious ways.
And the madness on Pandora never ends.
Let freedom - in insanity - reign wild.
Hack, slash and rapid dash through the upcoming port.